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  Recover Cart Sales

The following osCommerce contribution is a free Opensource code originated from official osCommerce website and provided for your reference only, you may download the original contribution file(s) and install it on your own; or you may request a Paid Installation Service from Agents Of Power; Agents Of Power does the "AS IS" installation on your website, we do not guarantee it will work properly on your website. Extra Paid service is available for repairing the problem from the original contribution or from your website.
Sind im RecoverCartSales zu einem Kunden mehrere offene Warenkörbe und möchte man den einen Warenkorb löschen, werden alle Warenkörbe zu diesem Kunden gelöscht. Das Programm wurde dahingehend erweitert, daß nur der Datensatz, auf dem man steht, gelöscht wird.
If multiple records exist for one customer, all records are deleted. The programm was changed to delete only the record, which is the actual and choosen one.

only description for 3 changes in recover_cart_sales
Solved a small bug where false sold items were reported in the stats module.

stats_recover_cart_sales.php L112


$query1 = tep_db_query("select c.customers_firstname, c.customers_lastname from ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS." c where c.customers_id ='".$cid."'");


$query1 = tep_db_query("select c.customers_email_address, c.customers_firstname, c.customers_lastname from ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS." c where c.customers_id ='".$cid."'");
I noticed that the matching of carts didn't work so it's fixed in this version.

Pleae note that this is a full package based on v2.30.
Some were reporting issues with V2.3 so I am posting a working version of the cron job support integrated into the previous version of V2.23
Added cronjob support and seperated business logic from the presentation.

Notice language files (other than dutch) are not updated.

Caution: use cronjob with care, do not overwhelm your customers with 'spam'.
One should never post something late in the evening ... ;-)
Please accept my apologies, after re- reading my file, I discovered some mistakes, which are corrected now in the attached file.
Please accept my apologies

Updated with bugfix by courty.

Added italian language!

Aggiunto italiano!
   Posted on: 12/01/2008     See contribution details Request Installation with Paid service