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The following osCommerce contributions are free Opensource code originated from official osCommerce website and provided for your reference only, you may download the original contribution file(s) and install it on your own; or you may request a Paid Installation Service from Agents Of Power; Agents Of Power does the "AS IS" installation on your website, we do not guarantee it will work properly on your website. Extra Paid service is available for repairing the problem from the original contribution or from your website.
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161. Bing Customer Cash Back Request Installation with Paid service
I found some errors with the original code, syntax coding errors and missing call tags, this is an update to the code that is working, and also added an instruction file
Bing Cashback shopping
Reward your customers with a cash back rebate for purchases

Two files need to be updated


You will need to contact Bing to get your Shopping campaign started

Only valid for US websites
   Posted on: 09/06/2009     See contribution details

162. Modulo de Envios para MRW Request Installation with Paid service
Basado en el modulo Seur europack, hemos realizado unas pequeñas modificaciones, aumentando las zonas a 9, modificando el texto que aparece en la pagina de opciones de envio, cambiando los nombres de los enlaces internos y de los archivos php para que sean reconocibles facilmente desde el admin y desde el gestor de archivos, y añadiendo la imagen del icono de MRW. Todo el merito de esta contribucion se debe al programador de seur europack. Nosotros solo hemos hecho una minima aportacion.

Jaume Ubach
   Posted on: 10/08/2009     See contribution details

163. Envios Chronoexpres Request Installation with Paid service
Pequeña modificacion del modulo seur pack para que se muestre como chrono expres.
Se ha añadido tambien el icono a la carpeta de imagenes.
Funcionando para osc. 2rc2

Jaume Ubach
   Posted on: 10/08/2009     See contribution details

164. eWAY UK Payment Module Request Installation with Paid service
eWAY has recently expanded into the UK and Europe and as such we have written a payment module to integrate our new gateway into OSCommerce.

Please view for more information.
   Posted on: 10/08/2009     See contribution details

165. Remove Product From Cart Button Request Installation with Paid service
Just some ne icons to use if like me you prefer some transperancy & .png files.

To use change

'params' => 'class="productListing-data" valign="center"',
'text' => '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART, 'action=remove_product&products_id=' . $products[$i]['id']) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'bin1.jpg', TABLE_HEADING_REMOVE, 16, 22) . '</a>');
'params' => 'class="productListing-data" valign="center"',
'text' => '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART, 'action=remove_product&products_id=' . $products[$i]['id']) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . '/icons/bin10b.png', TABLE_HEADING_REMOVE, 67, 68) . '</a>');
and just replace
with wherever & whatever file you want to use.
I discovered why previous versions didn't use a submit input for the trash can. If the customer changes the quantity on any item in the cart and then hits Enter the first item in the cart gets deleted. This doesn't happen if they change the quantity and hit the submit button. I've restored the link around the trash can but simplified it somewhat and eliminated the need to define a language item by reusing the title for the remove column as the alt text for image.
I've simplified the installation greatly by using the tep_image_submit function with parameters taken from the old checkbox and the alternate text taken from the column heading. With this version you change one line in shopping_cart.php and add the image to your images folder and you are done. The cart update button is needed unless you install a contribution to automatically update the cart so instructions for removing the button are not found here.
This change ensures that if you remove the last item in the cart that you are redirected to "Your cart is empty" rather than being left with an empty cart table. Also helps keep the URL shown in the browser a bit cleaner by not leaving the customer on "shopping_cart.php?action=remove_product..."

This version does not include the "Remove Update button" instructions.

   Posted on: 05/17/2009     See contribution details

166. Restricted category except for logged in users Request Installation with Paid service
How stupid*** of me!!! Guests still would have access through the search box or the manufacturers box or...@#!agrrr#$!@s
so, i picked up another contribution as a guide to fix this (thanks to all of you! great work!): Hidden products by Linda McGrath and imefisto.
This small contribution forces the user to login to view a certain category. If an unregistered user tries to access this category, he or she will be redirected to the login.php page.
   Posted on: 10/03/2009     See contribution details

167. Excel Import 1.51 Request Installation with Paid service
Excel import file
   Posted on: 10/09/2009     See contribution details

168. ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5 - by FWR Media Request Installation with Paid service
Revision 96

Sorry for creating an update so quickly but there were some corrections in the contribution modules that needed to be addressed.

No changes to osCommerce core files.

Error free error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT ) PHP5.3

Removed POSIX from abstracts/aDatamap.php for PHP5.3/PHP6 compatibility

Added $HTTP_GET_VARS to method extractByDirSeparator(){ in classes Usu_Validator.php

Modification to catalog/includes/modules/ultimate_seo_urls5/abstracts/aDatamap.php to match changed modules

All modules updated

Changed Files: -



catalog/includes/modules/ultimate_seo_urls5/modules/<all modules>

*** Upgrade instructions: ***

Upload all files maintaining the directory structure

Support topic:
No changes to osCommerce core files.

W3C option was not working on non seo urls.
Added bulgarian to character conversions pack (thanks garnet)

A few users were experiencing issues where incorrect cPaths were being entered into the registry
like 0_2_22_97. This update now creates a correct cPath within the code and therefore does
not rely on the validity of cPaths passed in by osCommerce.

Add cPath to product URLs? - was not working cPaths were always added to the product link.

Rewritten all modules - All modules now follow the same template ( see extras/module template (devs only) ).
This ensures that new modules are easily built and provides uniformity.

extras/module template (devs only) - Includes a blank module template and instructions for devs who wish to add a module.

Support topic:

Corrected an issue on Windows servers where products_id was not being passed.

Support Topic:

1) Added Turkish character conversion

2) Corrected use of strpos in two files

3) Corrected the RewriteRules in upgrade.html for the Links Manager II contribution

4) Added Swedish character conversion

5) Fixed buy now button and split page results incorrect links.

On some servers basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] does not return the expected filename,
code in application_top.php has been changed to force use of the correct $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].

r63 to r67

Added 2 cache systems so there are now 3 fast cache systems available via admin.
1) FileSystem
2) Database
3) Memcached
r50 - 63
1) There was an ommision in the database installer
2) Minor instructions clarification

r50 - r59
1) Fixed issue where on occasion the Seo Urls 5 class was not instantiated in application_top.php
2) Fixed issue where iterating directories pulled out bad files (like frontpage files)
3) Contribution Information Pages now tested and working
4) Contribution articles corrected and can now deal with paths with underscores
Other general tidying
Update from revision 50 to 59:

A couple of minor issues were found (thanks Debs)

Updating to this revision is simple and can be found in the folder usu5_updates/r50_to_r59.txt

1) Fixed issue where on occasion the Seo Urls 5 class was not instantiated in application_top.php
2) Fixed issue where iterating directories pulled out bad files (like frontpage files)
3) Contribution Information Pages now tested and working
4) Contribution articles corrected and can now deal with paths with underscores
Other general tidying
Ultimate Seo Urls 5 by FWR Media

New - Modern - More Efficient - Faster - Compatible - Less Queries

Author: Robert Fisher -
Thanks to the beta testers:
Tom Hodges-Hoyland, Jan Zonjee, toyicebear, GLCustoms

Server: *nix or Windows/IIS

PHP requirements:
Version: 5.2.0+ (actually 5.1.3+ I believe at time of launch)
SPL (Standard PHP Library)

Traditional Rewrite URIs require:
*nix server (Windows/IIS does not have mod_rewrite)
mod_rewrite (as part of the apache build)
AllowOveride All (php.ini setting)

MySQL 5 (Strict Trans Tables)
Traditional rewrite uris (*nix) produce exactly the same uris as the old 2 series (assuming the same settings)
The above means that should you upgrade from 2 series you don't have to worry about changed links

Installation difficulty:
There are only eight small changes to just seven files so this is easy and quick. (2 minute "drop on top" install for devs/testers)
Simple database installer.

Upgrade from old series 2 seo urls:
Upgrade instructions included.
Removal script for old database entries.
Simple database installer.

Works on Windows/IIS (BETA at time of launch due to lack of extensive testing)
Two seo uri choices .. standard and rewrite .. Windows/IIS can only use standard
error free - error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT)
Modular design
Plug in modules for contributions
Simple database installer
Inbuilt uri validation
301 redirects
Custom 404 Page not found
Zero queries or database use after cache fully loaded
Cache saving is sequential rather than one big DB hit
Admin selectable debug output
File (array) based character conversion (BETA at time of launch)
Simple cache life in admin based on "cache days"
Extensive security measures to safeguard the querystring
Series 2 database removal tool
Ability to switch between uri types via admin without changing any code as below:
On: standard seo uris - rewrite seo uris
Off: standard osC uris - experimental search engine safe uris

Included Modules:
Popup image

Included contribution modules (ALPHA at time of release as untested)
Information Pages
Articles, Article Info
Newsdesk Index, Newsdesk Info, Newsdesk Reviews Info, Newsdesk Reviews Article

Features Removed (from old 2 series):
Page cache compatibility - the original author suggests that this should not be installed.
   Posted on: 05/21/2009     See contribution details

169. SPS BRADESCO PARA OSCOMMERCE Request Installation with Paid service
Olá, primeiramente obrigado por ter desenvolvido o modulo SPS BRADESCO PARA OSCOMMERCE.

Eu o uso já a algum tempo mas neste mês ele apresentou um bug na data de vencimento do boleto e do finaciamento.

Já achei o erro e o corrigi.

Basicamente é só substituir as linhas:

$datavencimento = date("d/m/Y",mktime(0, 0, 0, substr(tep_date_sps($order->info['date_purchased']), 4, 2) , substr(tep_date_sps($order->info['date_purchased']), 0, 2)+$pay_sps_ven_boleto['configuration_value'], substr(tep_date_sps($order->info['date_purchased']), 7, 4)));


$datavencimento = date("d/m/Y", strtotime("+" . $pay_sps_ven_boleto['configuration_value'] . " days", strtotime($order->info['date_purchased']) ));

e também a linha 252 do arquivo 'spsbradesco_retorno_financiamento.php', que deve ficar assim:

<DATAVENCIMENTO>=(<?=date("d/m/Y", strtotime("+" . $pay_sps_ven_boleto['configuration_value'] ." days", strtotime($order->info['date_purchased']) ))?>)
   Posted on: 10/06/2009     See contribution details
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