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The following osCommerce contributions are free Opensource code originated from official osCommerce website and provided for your reference only, you may download the original contribution file(s) and install it on your own; or you may request a Paid Installation Service from Agents Of Power; Agents Of Power does the "AS IS" installation on your website, we do not guarantee it will work properly on your website. Extra Paid service is available for repairing the problem from the original contribution or from your website.
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71. Shop by price infobox Request Installation with Paid service
Greek Language file, tested and in use as of 29th October 2009
Alteration to version 2.5a:

The language array code needs to appear in english.php file - so that box shows correctly on pages other than the Shop by Price page itself.
While i was integrating this contribution i thought why making it so complicated while the functionality is allready in the advanced_search?

I rewrote what i needed and it appears to be limited to a few extra lines in the search box (which is already there). I attached the resulting search.php box, language items you will have to do yourselves.

This is what i added:

$price_ranges = array(
array('max' => 10),
array('min' => 10, 'max' => 20),
array('min' => 20));


$info_box_contents[] = array(
'align' => 'center',
'text' => '<b>' . BOX_SEARCH_TEXT2 . '</b>');
$info_box_contents[] = array('text' => tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '5'));
for ($index=0; $index<sizeof($price_ranges); $index++) {
if(isset($price_ranges[$index]['min']) && isset($price_ranges[$index]['max'])) {
$info_box_contents[] = array(
'align' => 'center',
'text' => '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ADVANCED_SEARCH_RESULT, 'pfrom=' . $price_ranges[$index]['min'] . '&pto=' . $price_ranges[$index]['max'], 'NONSSL') . '">' . '&euro;' . number_format($price_ranges[$index]['min'], 0) . '&nbsp;' . BOX_SEARCH_TO . '&nbsp;&euro;' . number_format($price_ranges[$index]['max'], 0) . '</a><br>');
} else if(isset($price_ranges[$index]['min']) && !isset($price_ranges[$index]['max'])) {
$info_box_contents[] = array(
'align' => 'center',
'text' => '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ADVANCED_SEARCH_RESULT, 'pfrom=' . $price_ranges[$index]['min'], 'NONSSL') . '">' . BOX_SEARCH_FROM2 . '&nbsp;&euro;' . number_format($price_ranges[$index]['min'], 0) . '</a><br>');
} else if(!isset($price_ranges[$index]['min']) && isset($price_ranges[$index]['max'])) {
$info_box_contents[] = array(
'align' => 'center',
'text' => '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ADVANCED_SEARCH_RESULT, 'pto=' . $price_ranges[$index]['max'], 'NONSSL') . '">' . BOX_SEARCH_TO2 . '&nbsp;&euro;' . number_format($price_ranges[$index]['max'], 0) . '</a><br>');

and that's it....!
   Posted on: 02/08/2009     See contribution details

72. Select Product Image Directory & Instant Update For Products Request Installation with Paid service

Corrected errors in the language files.
Added directory sort

Added support to multilanguage and instruccions to set checked by default update / insert without preview

Thanks to spooks by this great contribution!!!

Añadido soporte para multilenguage e instrucciones para marcar por defecto la casilla de actualizar / publicar sin previsualizar.

Gracias a spools por esta magnifica contribución!!!

This simple contribution does three things.

A drop down is added to the product edit page of sub-folders of the images folder to allow you to select where the product image is to be stored.
A field is added to allow you to create a new sub-folder of images to store your images in.
A function is added in the product edit page to give a instant update option.Some folders within the images directory can be excluded from the drop down list through an exclude list.
Only one file to edit (categories.php) and only five edits to that!!

Tested on PHP 4 & 5, SQL 4 & 5, osC 2.2 ms2, rc1 & rc2a and is register_globals off compatible.

Support thread at
   Posted on: 10/25/2009     See contribution details

73. Swiss Post Shipping Request Installation with Paid service
Im original werden die Handling kosten 2 mal berechnet.

Mit dieser datei ist diese problehm behoben.
   Posted on: 10/29/2009     See contribution details

74. Pago en Mano + Retirar en mano Request Installation with Paid service
modificacion para que en las facturas y albaranes donde pone "enviar a" ponga debajo "retirada en mano" y lo que hayamos puesto desde el admin (en mi caso el lugar de recogida) en vez de la direccion del cliente ya que si lo va a recoger, no tiene sentido que ponga ahi su direccion

solo instrucciones. hacer tanto en invoice.php como en packingslip.php
   Posted on: 10/29/2009     See contribution details

75. Live Chat Request Installation with Paid service
Demo shop with Live Chat button at:


Forum support thread:
This contribution creates a box on your site with a Live Chat button.
It allows your website visitors to connect to a company support team
and have their questions answered instantly by clicking on a Live Chat
button. Live Chat on your website improves customer satisfaction and
helps to generate instant sales leads.
   Posted on: 10/29/2009     See contribution details

76. Add This - Over 50 social networks and bookmark destinations Request Installation with Paid service
Thank you Cartzlink for this useful contribution.

A simple way to display the share button in your language (if available)
In catalogue/includes/modules/AddThis.php

on line 6:
<img src="" width="83" height="16" alt="delen met anderen" style="border:0"/>

change sm-share-EN.gif to sm-share-*your language code*.gif
Where *your language code* must be replaced by your actual language code (f.i. nl for Dutch language)

-no new file included-
Add This Contribution for osCommerce - Over 50 social networks and bookmark destinations

See that in action here :

This file created by jpf though much credit goes to bopper for much of it.
Thanks to Andyy for the corrections. Includes his Status Active and Inactive fix.

One of the easiest contribution to install.

1) Just copy the files under the folder catalog to your oscommerce root.

2) In includes/filenames.php add this line at the end of page
/*BOF Add This Contribution*/
/*EOF Add This Contribution*/

3) On any page where you would like to add this contribution, just paste the following lines
/*BOF Add This Contribution*/
/*EOF Add This Contribution*/

4) Thats It. Sit back and enjoy.

contributed by
   Posted on: 07/16/2009     See contribution details

77. Pricematch Request Installation with Paid service
Replace the file in catalog directory to require users to log in or register to use price match feature.

Single file only. Not a full package
Price match won't pass the quotation on the product name to pop-up windows... here is a simple work around in case someone is having product name with quotation.

I made mistake to the previous instruction.

Updated with the correct instruction... should be good to go...
Sorry Again, i made a minor error in the instruction, updated instruction, so you won't be confused!
this should be the complete code for replacement:

<?php echo '<form name="price_match" method="post" action="' . "javascript:popupPricematch('pricematch.php?" .tep_get_all_get_params()."')" . '">' . tep_price_match_submit('price_match', IMAGE_BUTTON_PRICE_MATCH) . '</form>';?>
in product_info.php


$this_Code = $product_info['products_model'];
$this_Product = $product_info['products_name'];
$this_Price = $product_info['products_price'];

change to this:

$this_Code = $product_info['products_model'];
$this_Product = $product_info['products_name'];
$this_Price = $product_info['products_price'];

save, upload.

in pricematch.php


$this_Code = $_REQUEST['code1'];
$this_Product = $_REQUEST['product1'];
$this_Price = $_REQUEST['price1'];

change to this:

$this_Code = $product_info['products_model'];
$this_Product = $product_info['products_name'];
$this_Price = $product_info['products_price'];


<p><input type="hidden" name="Product_Name" size="40" value="<?php echo $product_info['products_name']; ?>">
<?php echo $product_info['products_name']; ?>

change to this:

<p><input type="hidden" name="Product_Name" size="40" value="<?php echo $this_Product; ?>">
<?php echo $this_Product; ?>

no file attached, just update from below...
i found this way is better without using extra step...
   Posted on: 03/19/2009     See contribution details

78. min/max-Subtotal 2 pay by Anja Request Installation with Paid service
Hello OSC community, this contribution implements the possibility, to defined payment means of min/max values, related to the value of the order (intermediate total without forwarding expenses), to specify between those payments means are only offered. Contribution is based on individual contributions in the German oscommerce forum, where this problem was discussed. The installation guidance was provided on basis of an original OS-commerce-installation, version 2.2 RC 2a!

Hello, I seized on classes back, to the OSC standard did not hear. Whom these classes should be missing, the appropriate file from the package can take. Further with a file a typing error had in-crept in the file name; in the package likewise repaired. Thank you at 2fix4u from the German OSC forum complete package

This is only english translation of description, package has not been translated.

ich habe auf eine classes zurück gegriffen, die nicht zum OSC-Standard gehört. Wem diese classes fehlen sollte, kann die entsprechende Datei aus dem Paket nehmen.

Weiterhin hatte sich bei einer Datei ein Tippfehler im Dateinamen eingeschlichen; im Paket ebenfalls behoben.

Vielen Dank an 2fix4u aus dem deutschen OSC-Forum

Hallo OSC-community,

diese contribution implementiert die Möglichkeit, zu den definierten Zahlungsarten Min-/Max-Werte,
bezogen auf den Wert der Bestellung (Zwischensumme ohne Versandkosten), festzulegen, zwischen denen
die Zahlungsart nur angeboten wird.

Die contribution basiert auf einzelnen Beiträgen im deutschen oscommerce-Forum, wo diese Problematik
diskutiert wurde.

Die Installationsanleitung wurde auf Basis einer originalen OS-commerce-Installation, Version 2.2 RC 2a erstellt!

   Posted on: 10/10/2009     See contribution details

79. Supplier Admin Area V0.2 Request Installation with Paid service
Fixed the following issues:
- statistic issue: the reports shows incorrect items purchased, the sql query counted number of table rows instead of quantity of units sold, now the issue has been fixed.

Based on 26 Oct 2009 module.

Complete module & 100% function and tested!
Fixed the following issues:
- statistic issue, try to select the One Month --> One Year --> All Year and opposite - All Year --> One Year --> One Month , you need the update whole form to get result
- submit buttons were missing

Based on 25 Oct 2009 module.

Complete module & 100% function and tested!

Correct version.
Fixed all the following issues:
- incorrect paths (all product images been missing);
- corrected the tep_image_button function for the system buttons (simply created new

tep_sup_image_button function with correct path);
- removed "Add new image" function as it's undeveloped;
- missing calendar (to setup when the product will be available);
- fixed issue with sessions;
- added the logout function;

Based on 29 Jul 2007 module.

Complete module & 100% function and tested!
   Posted on: 10/25/2009     See contribution details
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