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The following osCommerce contributions are free Opensource code originated from official osCommerce website and provided for your reference only, you may download the original contribution file(s) and install it on your own; or you may request a Paid Installation Service from Agents Of Power; Agents Of Power does the "AS IS" installation on your website, we do not guarantee it will work properly on your website. Extra Paid service is available for repairing the problem from the original contribution or from your website.
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51. Terminverwaltung/calendar management Request Installation with Paid service
Anwenderbereich erstellt, Plausis im Adminbereich geändert, Index auf Tabelle calendar geändert. Mehrfach-Auswahl für Objekt ermöglicht, Checkbox im Adminbereich eingeführt
customers area created, plausibility in admin changed, index at table calendar changed, checkbox for object in admin changed

full package without js-directory
Im Objektmenü wird der hinterlegte Text angezeigt, die Plausis wurden erweitert, die zulässige Wochenarbeitszeit wird aus
der Datenbank dynamisch ausgelesen, das Popup-Fenster wurde eingebaut, die Blätterpfeile wurden mit Bild und multi-language versehen.
In the menu field of object the database text of that object is shown, some plausibilities were added, the available working time is
read from the database dynamically, the popup window was realized, the page forward/backward has got an image and multi-language.
full package without js-directory
In kalender.php wurde eine Routine aus einer anderenn Contrib verwendet - dies wurde geändert.
in kalender.php was a function used which exists only in another contrib - this was changed.

contains only changed kalender.php
Mit der Terminverwaltung soll es möglich sein, Termine zu verwalten und in einer Übersicht darzustellen.

Im Adminbereich wurde unter "Kunden" eine neue Seite "Terminverwaltung" geschaffen.

Im unteren Bereich werden alle vorhandenen Termine wochenweise angezeigt.Mittels der Blätterpfeile kann wochenweise geblätttert werden
(s. Bild termin_start.gif).

Im oberen Bereich kann ein Kunde ausgewählt werden; mittels "Button_Submit" werden im mittleren Bereich die Daten zu diesem
Kunden angezeigt.

Erst nach dem erfolgreichen Lesen eines Kunden wird die Möglichkeit des Einfügens bzw Löschens eines Termines angezeigt
(s. Bild termin_weiter.gif).

With the calendar management it should be possible to administrate dates and show them in a overview.

The admin area was expanded under "customer" with a new page "calendar management".

In the lower area all available dates are shown on a weekly basis. Browsing ist possible on a weekly basis (s. pict termin_start.gif).

In the upper area a customer can be choosen; by the button "Button_submit" the data for this customer is shown in the middle of the page.

Only after a successfull reading of the customer, the possibility of inserting and deleting of a date is given (s. pict termin_weiter.gif).

full package
   Posted on: 10/09/2009     See contribution details

52. Virement bancaire 2.0 francais Request Installation with Paid service
Bonjour a tous, j'ai effectué des changements pour la version française de virement bancaire, a la place des IBAN Ou BIC, j'ai mis ce qui nous sers le plus en france, c'est a dire code établissement, code guichet numero de compte ect...
vous pouvez me contacté sur
   Posted on: 11/05/2009     See contribution details

53. Remove / delete countries easily Request Installation with Paid service
remove list of countries except Philippines
   Posted on: 11/06/2009     See contribution details

54. Scrolling What's New Box Request Installation with Paid service
Added multiple language support
Full package
found below Box Heading was not working fixed it so now BoxHeading and Link are working.
Piccola correzzione al file whats_new.php per far apparire la freccia con link alle novita nell'header del box
Dear Everybody
Scrolling What's New InfoBox by Yasir Imran Mirza

Just modified the source of
(Scrolling specials v1.0 by Justin Rains)
Could by found here


Overwrite the file whats_new.php into your catalog/includes/boxes/ directory.

That's it!
Feel free to contact me with any suggested enhancements or bugs.

See it in action here:

This code could be used to any info box in OsCommerce site, If you feel dificulty in using this for any other box, please contact me.

Best Regards
Yasir Imran Mirza
   Posted on: 09/01/2008     See contribution details

55. admin - copy, move and delete multiple products Request Installation with Paid service
When I use it, an error popup:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function:tep_array_merge() in C:AppServ/www/oscomm_2/catalog/admin/products_multi.php, after I Google it, the function 'tep_array_merge()' should be 'merge_array()', so is the same thing on line 278.
I hope this will be fixed in the later versions cause the problem cames up several years ago in early versions
Only thing changed, add Português BR

Full Package
This package is same as the below. I just fix a swedish translation to. FULL PACK!
   Posted on: 09/21/2008     See contribution details

56. Recover Cart Sales Request Installation with Paid service
Sind im RecoverCartSales zu einem Kunden mehrere offene Warenkörbe und möchte man den einen Warenkorb löschen, werden alle Warenkörbe zu diesem Kunden gelöscht. Das Programm wurde dahingehend erweitert, daß nur der Datensatz, auf dem man steht, gelöscht wird.
If multiple records exist for one customer, all records are deleted. The programm was changed to delete only the record, which is the actual and choosen one.

only description for 3 changes in recover_cart_sales
Solved a small bug where false sold items were reported in the stats module.

stats_recover_cart_sales.php L112


$query1 = tep_db_query("select c.customers_firstname, c.customers_lastname from ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS." c where c.customers_id ='".$cid."'");


$query1 = tep_db_query("select c.customers_email_address, c.customers_firstname, c.customers_lastname from ".TABLE_CUSTOMERS." c where c.customers_id ='".$cid."'");
I noticed that the matching of carts didn't work so it's fixed in this version.

Pleae note that this is a full package based on v2.30.
Some were reporting issues with V2.3 so I am posting a working version of the cron job support integrated into the previous version of V2.23
Added cronjob support and seperated business logic from the presentation.

Notice language files (other than dutch) are not updated.

Caution: use cronjob with care, do not overwhelm your customers with 'spam'.
One should never post something late in the evening ... ;-)
Please accept my apologies, after re- reading my file, I discovered some mistakes, which are corrected now in the attached file.
Please accept my apologies

Updated with bugfix by courty.

Added italian language!

Aggiunto italiano!
   Posted on: 12/01/2008     See contribution details

57. Dutch Language Pack for osC v3 Request Installation with Paid service
Be aware that you have to do some translations yourself as this is the 0.2 release.
This is the Dutch language pack for osCommerce v3.
This is a work in progress.

Please upload only Complete / Full packages.
   Posted on: 04/15/2009     See contribution details

58. Order_manufacturer_pdf Request Installation with Paid service
Ce deuxième paquet permet d'envoyer le fichier pdf en pièce jointe par email directement au fournisseur.
Toutes les explications sont inclus dans le fichier oder_manufacturer_pdf.php, il faut juste rajouter votre adresse email, celle de votre fournisseur et définir la variable qui envoie l'email.

Ceci est un paquet complet avec toutes les instructions, j'ai juste rajouté l'envoie d'email, si vous voulez cette option télécharger ce paquet sinon prenez le premier.

This second package will send the pdf file as an attachment via email directly to the supplier.
All explanations are included in the file oder_manufacturer_pdf.php, you just add your email address, that of your provider and set the variable that returns an email.

This is a complete package with all instructions, I just added the sending of email if you want this option to download this packet if the first take.
thank you
Contribution Order_manufacturer_pdf by Audioshop


J'ai créé cette contrib pour automatiser la fabrication de bon de commande fournisseur, celui-ci me procure des bons de commande que j'ai scanné puis converti en pdf afin d'avoir un gabarit, ensuite cette contrib récupère les données dont j'ai besoin pour ma commande et les inscrit au bonne endroit dans le nouveau pdf qui prend mon gabarit comme template, il ne me reste plus qu'a imprimer puis faxer, j'avais aussi pensé enregistrer le fichier pdf et l'envoyer automatiquement par email mais pour le moment cette fonction n'est pas indispensable. (A voir)

Cette contribution Ajoute un bouton commande fournisseur sur la page order.php de l'admin
et sur les pages d'édition des commandes afin de généré un fichier pdf récapitulant les informations nécessaire à la commande fournisseur.

Quand on clique sur ce nouveau bouton un fichier texte est tout d'abord généré contenant
les informations de la commande puis stocké dans un répertoire afin d'être réutilisé pour créer le fichier pdf.
Les informations inscrite dans le fichier .txt sont:
- La quantité
- Le nom du produit
- Le modèle du produit

ensuite on est redirigé sur le fichier qui génère le pdf en ce servant du fichier .txt, tout ça est bien entendu invisible, après quelques secondes il demandé d'enregistrer le fichier pdf.


I created this contrib to automate the manufacturing order supplier, it gives me the orders that I scanned and converted to pdf to get a gauge, then this contrib retrieves data j ' I need for my order and entered in the right place in the new pdf that takes my template as template, it remains for me to print and fax, so I thought save the pdf file and send it automatically by email but for now this feature is not essential. (Features)

This contribution Adds a command button on the top supplier of order.php admin
pages and editing commands to generate a pdf file summarizing the information necessary to control supplier.

When you click on this button a new text file is first created containing
information control and stored in a directory to be reused to create the pdf.
The information included in the file. Txt files are:
- The quantity
- The product name
- The product model

Then there is redirected to the file that generates the pdf file using this. txt, all this is of course invisible after a few seconds he asked to save the pdf file.
   Posted on: 11/01/2009     See contribution details

59. Blank out first 12 digits of credit card for individual order Request Installation with Paid service
This addition will add a new button to the orders page in the admin interface for individual orders. Once the button is ticked and order updated the following occours:
1. Credit card number stored in database has the first 12 digits turned to "x" and the remaining 4 are retained.
2. Cvv2 and expiry date are wiped clean from database.

Compatible with MD5-based block cypher
   Posted on: 10/31/2009     See contribution details
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